Wednesday 25 January 2012

Bye Bye Baby, Bye Bye

Made by MPAP.


MPAP said...


Thank you for choosing the cover we did for this single in our blog:

Gracias por elegir la carátula que hicímos para este single en nuestro blog:

Stephanie said...

Thank you. With al these covers flooting around the internet it´s sometimes hard to see who made them.

MPAP said...

Hi Stephanie!!

Please don't think that I wrote the comment in a bad way. I just wanted to thank you for that chooses our single cover and say that we really like to visit your blog and see that sometimes too, helped make it so great.

Receive a big hug,


Stephanie said...

I didn´t think so.....I just hope you didn´t think I hadn´t posted your name on purpose, ha ha!
Have a good weekend! xo Stephanie.