Tuesday 4 June 2019

Oh Father - Official recreated



zipper said...

What, exactly, is "official recreated" if you don't mind me asking?
Something is either official (sanctioned, authorized release from a company/companies licensed by the artist, label and/or publisher) or it recreated (a second, separate entity).
While I truly appreciate all the work that goes into the site and the art it hosts I cannot help but feel titles and distinctions like this both take away from the original creative effort and lend an unearned sense of credit and merit to the person who - literally - copied and (maybe) updated another person's efforts.
Additionally, posts like this also blur the line between legit fanmade art and copyright infringement... I love this site, check it everyday. I would be sad if posts like this resulted in some sort of legal action. Please make an effort to be more vigilant about this kind of thing - keep up the good work.

Stephanie said...

Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
I'm struggling a bit myself with the whole reworked thing.
Apperently some covers don't look good in iTunes and that's why people remake them. Don't use iTunes myself and well, they're cancelling it.
There's a law in the works here in the EU about uploading content so the future of sites likes this is uncertain anyway....